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Özsimge Tekstil

Özsimge Tekstil

The company is mostly working on collection bases for well known European fashion brands, and it is famous in manufacturing value added garments, with lots of details, special washes, trims and artworks.

Company Identity Card

"Biz sizin nə geyindiyinizə əhəmiyyət veririk və inanırıq ki, sizin yeni alış-verişinizin necə edildiyinə əhəmiyyət verirsiniz.”
Özsimge Tekstil-də istehsal olunan hər bir geyim sevgi, ehtiras, təcrübə, qayğı, şəffaflıq, hörmət, yüksək mənəvi dəyərlər və sosial məsuliyyət şüuru.

Özsi̇mge Teksti̇l is a 30 year old, woman owned medium size manufacturer and exporter, located in the Aegean coast of Turkey, benefitting from famous organic cotton fields in the zone, specialized in production of high quality jerseywear such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, polo pique, dresses, pants, tops ect for man, woman, children and babies, made of high quality circular knit fabrics. The company is mostly working on collection bases for well known European fashion brands, and it is famous in manufacturing value added garments, with lots of details, special washes, trims and artworks.

With its experienced employee in all departments and due to its optimum size, it makes it possible to produce small quantities starting from 400pcs per style as well as larger quantities under the same quality standarts with fast responses to customers’ demands both in collections and production deliveries. Özsi̇mge Teksti̇l’s core competency lies at its passion of being a reliable partner and long term supplier to its customers, working under fair price policy and creating ethical and humanly working conditions to its workers rather than competing with far east suppliers making mass productions at very low prices.

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